How to get on the king pig list.
Have you ever tried your hardest. To get on the king pig list. So you can stay inside and play on your netbook. Well all you're trying hard can become harder.
First wait until you see the teacher searching for someone to go on the king pig list. If someone is talking to you. Move straight away. She or he will see you doing the right thing.
Next when you're in a sensible place. Make sure you’re head is facing your own netbook so you don’t get into trouble. If you’re looking at your own netbook then your teacher will spot you easily.
Then if she doesn't spot you. Well don’t worry you still got other options to make.
After that another thing to do is get your work finished on time. Make sure that you are doing the right thing even when no one is looking. If you need help with your work. Don’t scream out to the teacher asking her for help just walk up to the teacher and tell her or him what you need help with.
Another Idea to get your name on the king pig list is to show respect to all teachers, students and visitors. For example open the door for visitors and teachers be a gentleman. Another way to respect the younger ones is to show them the right to do. Because if you do the wrong thing the younger ones will copy you.
After that if the teacher writes another persons name on the board. And everyone else moans, don’t moan. The might teacher spot and write your name on the king pig list too.
If your teacher says “Daimai what are you on” If you are on your work be more accountable and say you’re on your work and show him or her your screen. She might put your name on the king pig list.
Finally you have your name on the king pig list for going through all of that hard work you have done.
Next time you and you’re trying to get your names on the king pig list. Show your friend how to do it or share the work with them.
Thankyou for looking at my work!

Hey Daimai,
I like the way that you explained properly to the reader about getting on the King pig list.
Keep up the great work.
Nice Daimai. I think all these ideas are all good ideas. Keep up the good work.
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