Monday, 16 March 2015

Creating Question Branches

WALT:Do as question branch on our research work.
Today I was doing a question branch on my person Benji Marshall.
To help my question branched increase and make my questions bigger PLEASE leave a comment or some feedback and feedforward.

Benji Marshall

WALT:To do a research about someone we know.
Today I was doing a research about Benji Marshall on a presentation so I can do questions and answer.
To help my learning increase PLEASE leave some feedback and feedforward THANKYOU :)

Daimai DeBono's 6 Thinking Hat Analysis

WALT:To do a DeBono's about the farewell split that happened in NZ.
Today I was doing a DeBono's on the farewell split.
To help my DeBono's learning become better PLEASE leave a comment or some feedback and feedforward. THANKYOU :)

Inferencing from images: Batman

WALT:Inference from images.
Today I was inferencing the image of Batman and a little bit of the city of Gotham.
To help my inferencing skill increase PLEASE leave a comment or some feedback and feedforward for my inferencing work. THANKYOU :)

Friday, 13 March 2015


WALT:Write down quotes and explain what they mean.
Today I was getting some quotes from people on google images and putting them in this presentation for my work.
To help my quotes become thinkable and more deeper PLEASE leave a comment or some feedback and feedforward THANKYOU :)