Tenikz failed to win and parched as the other group of pirates blew up their boat and it sank. 15 years later new ages were born, they say that they were the grandchildren of the Tenikz clan. One day the boys were told about their grandfather's legacy being the Tenikz so they decided that they would carry that legacy and take it upon themselves. The boys were getting older as they taught themselves how to fight and after that the boys decided to pick a leader for them because without a leader nothing could be done. Everybody got a note & a pencil which they had to write down which person should be the leader. 99 people chose 1 person & 1 person chose another. The leader was declared Kenneth everyone cheered except for the one person named Metui who chose himself but failed. They set off on a journey, farewelled their families for they were ready to fight for their legacy and family. But they are also wondering and asking themselves, can we do this? Will we fail our families? I wonder if our boat isn’t strong enough, what if we are going to die? Are our people ready? that ‘s what they wonder about no one knows what is going to happen so they had to wait. Once at night people started firing at Tenikz, BOOM, BANG, BAM, CLASH, SPLASH, KABOOM, PEER RM, PSSSHHH. Tenikz knew that this day would come so they were ready to fight, firing their cannons like a tennis ball machine, and already there were dead bodies bounced across the water. They noticed the clan tag that the enemy had on their boats it was the clan that killed their grandparents when they noticed it they did double damage through everything. They were like furious fighters fighting for faith in themselves so they know that their parents would be proud of the hard work they have done. Light was on both clan tags on the boats everybody was screaming “warrrrrrr” all of their pirates were moving faster than light like the flash zooming. Bodies were flying in the air from getting hit from the cannons, because they just kept on going like a non stop tape playing and can’t be rewinded. Devilish deaths delayed during dawn, while people are still fighting for life. Tenikz know that they will make elders happy they are probably watching them right now thinking WOW! The Tenikz clan kept getting tired but never up the other clan had given up and the last bomb hit Tenikz and Tenikz fired one a them too. The bomb from Tenikz hit the other clans boat but their one just nipped Tenikz boat it was a close Kenneth said. Tenikz won the battle cheering with happiness, it looked the war was over but was it. A man was still alive his name was Chana the leader of the clan they had versed he had a rocket launcher and was angry at Tenikz did he choose to fire yes or no? A rocket was in it a Tenikz member named Metui saw him and quickly tried to warn everyone but the cheering was to loud, so he got out his sniper and shot him in the head. When Chana got shot in the head he fell down and pulled the trigger it was aiming straight at the boat everyone saw it come and jumped off the boat KABOOOOOOMAHH PSSSSSSHHHH. This time Tenikz was really lucky if it weren't for Metui the whole team would’ve been dead so Kenneth decided that Metui should be the leader and it was possible. So after that Metui was declared leader, Tenikz was also declared kings of the ocean but will they be kings for long……………….
WALT:Write narratives based on a picture.

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