Monday, 31 October 2016

The Show!

This Is My Story About An Obstacle Course Called The Show!
,One Day I woke up in terror, cold wind smashing my face like stones. I didn’t know where I was, It looked like jail, I watch the wall as the big structure rises into the sky with a crane hooked up into it. A voice says “Get Up Willie,” In a dark voice, So I done as he said, he got up stretching. The man spoke again and said “Welcome to our new T.V called GET SOME Hello my name is Siale and you are the first person to be on this show,”

I looked around confused and said “Sorry Sir but you must have the wrong person I never agreed to come on this show,” Then Siale said “Yes you didn’t we did,” Then a man approached me and said “We have been watching you and from all the exercise and energy we thought you might be the perfect starter for our show,” I asked the man Politely “What do I have to do? The man said “We will mention it when the show starts so let's get you suited up.”

While they were walking to the dressing rooms I had a little peek around he saw the trees move as if they were alive, then a tree stalked him as he walked pass. I entered the dressing rooms there were all different kinds I found one that I like it had black and yellow stripes my FAVOURITE COLOURS! When I walked out, T.V cameras were staring at me like zombies I walked over to the start line and looked up I saw birds around watching me as if I was their prey.

Siale said “Here are the rules You have to complete this ninja course if you do then their will be one last course which i like to call THE DEVIL RIDE of course named by me.” I looked at man and said “What do I get if I finish both courses?” Siale replied “You will win 1 million dollars and if you think the first course is easy then wait for The Devil Ride it was designed the world's most creative man in the world, he has made sure that this ride will knock your socks off.” I saw cheeky chipmunks chewing on nuts I felt hungry while I was watching them
I was just about to ask another question Until SIale Said with excitement “3 2 1 GO! I took one step and already I could feel sweat dangling from my head from all strangeness that was going on so I went with it. The first obstacle was running on ladders if you fell over you would fail but you wouldn’t hit the ground there was a net at the bottom of the whole course, while I was running on the ladder it cried as I kept on stepping on it after that I advanced to the next obstacle there were 4 more to go.

I felt like I was glued to a running machine I was making good progress I just needed to believe in myself. As I was running I seen the obstacle I tried but I was moving as fast as light, I saw two sharks that I had jump I could hear their teeth clashing together making a noise CHING CHING. I thought that if I put two my two on top and the bottom of the shark's mouth it won’t swallow me so I ran jumped as soon as the shark bounced out but it the way it jumped looked like it just got bailed out of jail I spread my legs with hesitation and did I quickly hurried before the shark closed it’s mouth I jumped to the other side like I was spring, While I was flying in the air I felt like a Sea Eagle with a beating heart going faster every time i thought of it.

When I made it across I felt like a champ who has accomplished the impossible until I saw that I had more to do, when I did see the rest my face dropped like their was a train that weighed 1 ton on my lip. I stopped to take a deep breathe as if it was my last, I didn’t just try the whole thing for money, I did because I have been getting let down from they keep telling, your not good enough, don’t even try, you SUCK and today I am going to use those words to finish my race to make them look likes fools, to let them that they are wrong I can do anything I want to and If I am going then I will.

Siale “Quickly said off yeah and if you don’t finish this race in 5 more minutes oh yeah I forgot to mention there is a time sorry anyways back to what I was talking about, so if you don’t win under the time limit your house will be knocked down your family will leave you and your bank money will go to other people.” I quickly thought to myself okay let's do this I quickly rush finding myself running faster than I have ran before now I am in it to win it now or you can say bail, stay of trial and fail.

I get ready for the next obstacle It looks like a spiral what had to is make it through without falling because I have time on my back l run and start to do a grapevine. A is where your arms are spread out and you are moving one leg over the other then taking and doing it again I thought it would be the perfect strategy, but their was a little twist the spinning circle stopped and started spinning the other way and then the other and that’s what it did the whole time so I made a jump for it. I made it I was relieved that their was only one more to go but I was still tired and this obstacle looked the hardest.

Clashing colourful chipping big teeth were up first, all I had to do was run or jump through but the problem is that this thing was moving 500km PH! How can anyone make. I had to use patience to pass part of the obstacle. Siale yells “You have 1 min & 30 seconds. I waited until the teeth hit each other and made a run for it it was rather better than getting squashed. I had just finished it off with a little speed but the teeth caught my suit I was getting tossed backwards and forwards like toy. So I had to do the most embarrassing thing on national T.V. Tiny tight tan looking undies but if I had then I would.

I see the last obstacle for 2 hours and I would say that the difficulty of this one would be really impossible. Ten big bulky balls swing backwards and forwards. I get on my stomach and roll down that was the key to winning this. After that I seen a dark tunnel I enter this tunnel, Deep into the darkness, I stood there wondering, fearing, Doubting dreaming dreams no bean has ever dared to dream before. Now I’m tippy toeing like a ballerina try to avoid things I might not want to encounter I see light I think in mind that this is the end I have done this I am going to prove everyone wrong am about to achieve the impossible.

I finished the whole and completed the next obstacle, it was the hardest ever but I done when I went home everybody was hugging me and happy. I bought a new house and a new car, I also could afford to give my family members some money for their lives. They called me the saviour of the family and I was never doubted again!


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